
Monday, December 14, 2020

How Do Jewish People Celebrate Hanukkah?

Let us begin with this fact…Hanukkah is not the Jewish equivalent of Christmas! For those non-Jews (and even some Jews themselves), here are some of the basic questions that many have this time of year about the two holiday celebrations. If Hanukkah is not “Jewish Christmas” then what is it exactly?

What about the candles? Menorahs have long been a symbol used in Judaism. It stems from the story that with only one day of oil remaining, the candles burned for eight days. For modern Jewish families they celebrate by lighting the hanukkiah. One candle per night of Hanukkah is lit, just like Hebrew is read…from right to left.

The miracle of the holiday season here in New York and New Jersey is that despite the challenges of this unprecedented year we remain strong together with our families heading into 2021. If you need help with the emotional development of your children, I am here to help. My name is Dr. Steven Sussman…a child psychologist in Mountainside. Happy Holidays everyone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Exactly With Whom Am I Trusting My Child’s Future?

It is a question that parents often ask when dealing with a teacher, a babysitter, or any care giver. How about with a Child Psychologist? That question may be more important than ever. My name is Dr. Steven Sussman. I got my PhD in Clinical Psychology more that 40 years ago and am now practicing out of my office located in Mountainside, NJ.

I went from there to an APA approved facility in New York. In the industry, I am not only known as a top Child Psychologist in New York and New Jersey, but also as a teacher of other professionals in my industry. It is one of the perks of being a top pro in the industry for four decades and counting!

Has 2020 been difficult for you and your children? You know the answer to that one. Let’s talk about your child’s future. It all begins with a phone call to my Mountainside office at (908) 217-8106. Perhaps, before that, I invite you to read all about me and my philosophy by visiting my website at…talk to you soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What About Young Children in all This?

We know as adults how we are processing quarantine and limited activity with outsiders during 2020…some of us not so well. What about the kids who were about to enter Kindergarten in your family? How are they coping with this complete change of behavior? After all, they have little or no context from which to draw.

What have we come to expect from those youngsters in our home? The truth is, not very much! Little kids behavior can be surprising and frustrating.  They often lack self-control. They like to explore the world and seek adventure. They spend a lot of time testing limits. It is not unlike the reaction of some adults who rebel against wearing masks etc.

These days are very trying and if I can help I certainly will. My name is Dr. Steven Sussman. I am a noted New York/New Jersey child psychologist that has understood and dealt with aberrant behavior in kids for decades. If I can help, please call (908) 217-8106 for a consultation, or visit my website at

Monday, November 2, 2020

How Have Adolescents Been Impacted by The Corona Pandemic?

The greatest impacts felt by adolescents probably stem from prolonged school closures. Being in the house with family members, and not getting to see friends and peers may have changed their personalities. Adolescents have different developmental needs than adults as well as being very different from their younger siblings.

Two of the most important developmental tasks of adolescence are 1.) developing social skills and 2.) building empathy combined with a sense of identity. Both of these tasks happen through interactions with their peers. Disconnection from social outlets and peers will have some implications as we return to social settings.

Are you having trouble recognizing your teen near the end of 2020? Welcome to the club! Please let New York/New Jersey adolescent psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman help you out with this task. First, take a visit to on the web and read about the man, then give Dr. Sussman a call for a virtual visit at (908) 217-8106


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How Has 2020 Affected Your Kids.

You know it’s one thing to bear up against the challenges of this roller coaster year, but your children do not have the same context you have to deal with all of this. Had 2020 gone as planned, a day in the life of an average child would have meant actual classrooms, baseball games, middle-school plays, and birthday parties.

Time with other children is a crucial piece of growing up. Relationships with peers are how kids learn about cooperation, trust, and loyalty. Perhaps just as important is how they not just receive support from their parents, but also give it to others. How many life-lessons are more important than that?

As we move closer to the end of the year it may be an opportune time to call me and discuss your child’s behavior and coping mechanisms. While the experience will never be forgotten we can help to put things into perspective in the coming year. Please call me, New York area child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman and we will talk it over. My website is and my phone number is (908) 217-8106.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Frustrating, Obstinate, and Unlikeable.

These traits are not just assigned to minors, but when it applies to your child you will want to do something about it. There are many ways that this behavior manifests itself. Perhaps they are always poking at their siblings. Maybe they make loud noises at the dinner table. Rest assured most kids experiment with obnoxious behavior at one time or another.

Here are some ways to address that behavior –

1.  Address it at the beginning.

2.  Praise your kid when they behave well.

3.  Ignore some benign behaviors…every kid pretty much does annoying things.

4.  Obnoxious behavior needs to be pointed out immediately.

5.  Warn them about the consequences if it continues.

How about giving me a call and we will address it together? As a parent you know when you have reached the point where a third party can be immensely helpful. My name is Dr. Steven Sussman. I have spent decades dealing with aberrant behavior in children around New York City. Visit my website at and arrange an appointment at my Mountainside, NJ office by calling (908) 217-8106.

Monday, September 14, 2020

All Together Again.

Man oh man, it has seemed like an eternity since we were told to social distance. The only thing that seemed to improve was the power in our voices as we yelled across the room! Now is the time to consider other important aspects of getting together in groups again…that is group therapy for our kids.

It is nothing new, of course. Our children do better in groups. It is just that simple. Peer groups in our children’s developmental psychology and social psychology have worked to our advantage for a very long time. The peer group fulfills important functions in childhood development all the way to adolescence.

I believe in group therapy now more than ever as we “rediscover” each other socially. My name is Dr. Steven Sussman. You will find my philosophy at Look me up, spend some time with me on the web, then let us talk about your kids on the phone then at my office located in Mountainside NJ. Just call (908) 217-8106.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Don’t Feel Isolated…AD/HD is Extremely Prevalent in the US.

Just how widespread is AD/HD in America? Well, over six million kids have been diagnosed with it, and considering our population, you know that hundreds of thousands of them live in New York and New Jersey. Smack dab in the center of this demo are kids aged 6-11. Nearly two and half million of them are afflicted!

Here is perhaps more startling information –


  1. Nearly 15 percent of those diagnosed have severe AD/HD.
  2. Close to HALF display moderate symptoms.
  3. Finally, about 40% have what is considered mild AD/HD…still nothing to take lightly.

First and foremost, you want to tackle AD/HD in its earliest stages. To do that, call New York/New Jersey renowned child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman. He has dealt with this for dozens of years and has modern methods to tackle AD/HD in your child. Call Dr. Steven Sussman today for an appointment in his Mountainside, NJ office at (908) 217-8106.