
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Blah, Blah, Blah.

That is often what kids hear when an adult tries to talk to them. The advice may be first rate, but when the message comes from someone over 30 it often falls on deaf ears. It’s easy for us to look back and say…”I wasn’t like that.”. Yes, you were! So, what should a parent do in this day and age to help their kid become a better person?

Dr. Steven Sussman has an idea. Get quirky. Eschew the norms of preachiness and get through to today’s youth by talking with them, NOT at them. It seems logical, but it comes with years of dealing with kids who are adolescents or teens. It ain’t easy, but it is doable.

Dr. Steven Sussman is a child psychologist practicing in the New York/New Jersey area out of Mountainside, NJ. Are you exhausted trying to communicate with your kid(s)? Call Dr. Steve for a phone consultation and get to know him. That phone number is (908) 217-8106. Get a really good look at his background by visiting

Thursday, April 7, 2022

What Expectations are you Expecting from your Kid(s)?

Expectations…they come in all shapes and sizes, and they give us great pride, or they may cripple us. What expectations do you have for your kid(s)? It is a competitive world out there. That has NOT changed with Covid. I am Dr. Steven Sussman a New York/New Jersey child psychologist who wants to help you manage your expectations for your kid(s).

If you have noticed a rebellion in your child and at times even becoming unlikeable among their peers, you may be seeing the signs of ODD. ODD is short for Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The teachers in our public schools around New York City tend to teach memorization and NOT (necessarily) hands-on skills. This can lead to ODD.

Let’s explore this behavior in your child. It starts with a phone call to my office. That phone number is (908) 217-8106. We will discuss what you are seeing in your child before making any generalizations. I will help you make your most important job a little easier…being a GREAT parent. Please see my website at