
Thursday, February 16, 2017

What is ASD?

ASD in the acronym for Autistic Spectrum Disorder.  As we learn more, we are finding that ASD is becoming quite common.  It specifically targets our children who may be having difficulty getting along with others.  When this occurs, they may shut down and simply stop interacting with their peers causing deep depression.

Parents, you need to know what traits to look for in your kids.  Among them are –

1.  Ongoing lack of communication and interaction skills with others.
2.  Repeatedly showing a lack of interest in outside activities.
3.  Social and school functioning is obviously inhibited.
4.  Watch for these symptoms in the first two years of your child’s life.

Do not bury your head in the sand.  If you notice these signs of Autistic Spectrum Disorder seek the help of a professional.   In the tri-state area arrange a visit with Dr. Steven Sussman.  Change your family’s future today by scheduling a meeting with Dr. Sussman.  He will assess your kid’s possible ASD and recommend treatments.  Dr. Sussman maintains offices in Union County, New Jersey and Staten Island, New York.  Call him at (908) 217-8106.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Rising rates of Middle-School Suicides.

Just recently a new statistic reared its ugly head.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study that for the first time in this country middle-school students are just as likely to die from suicide as from traffic accidents.  If this is not an eye-opener for everyone with a child in this age group I don’t know what is.

In this century, the rate of suicide compared to car crashes has quadrupled!  The CDC’s most recent statistics show that in 2014 there were 425 kids in this age cell that took their own lives.  While safety in travel has accounted for the decrease in car fatalities that does not ameliorate the fact that over 400 of our nation’s children have found it impossible to go on…not to mention those who tried and, thank heaven failed.

Constant exposure to social media is cited as a primary reason.  Now, when something hurtful is said or written “everyone” knows.  That peer pressure is just too overwhelming for some.  If you live in the tri-state area arrange a visit with Dr. Steven Sussman.  Schedule a meeting with one of the area’s premier child psychologists.  Dr. Sussman maintains offices in Union County, New Jersey and Staten Island, New York.  Call him at (908) 217-8106.