
Monday, August 31, 2020

Don’t Feel Isolated…AD/HD is Extremely Prevalent in the US.

Just how widespread is AD/HD in America? Well, over six million kids have been diagnosed with it, and considering our population, you know that hundreds of thousands of them live in New York and New Jersey. Smack dab in the center of this demo are kids aged 6-11. Nearly two and half million of them are afflicted!

Here is perhaps more startling information –


  1. Nearly 15 percent of those diagnosed have severe AD/HD.
  2. Close to HALF display moderate symptoms.
  3. Finally, about 40% have what is considered mild AD/HD…still nothing to take lightly.

First and foremost, you want to tackle AD/HD in its earliest stages. To do that, call New York/New Jersey renowned child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman. He has dealt with this for dozens of years and has modern methods to tackle AD/HD in your child. Call Dr. Steven Sussman today for an appointment in his Mountainside, NJ office at (908) 217-8106.

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