
Monday, March 14, 2022

Covid Has Hit New York City Hard.

Closures, isolation, and just a general departure from “normal” life has affected the psychological state of our kids. Just emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts among adolescents jumped by nearly one-third in the first year of Covid. Dr. Steven Sussman is here to help you cope!

Here is something of which you may not be aware. In addition to social isolation and family instability, it is estimated that more than 140,000 children in the United States lost a primary and/or secondary caregiver, with youth of color impacted at a higher percentage.

Dr. Steven Sussman has been dealing with every possible scenario in child psychology over the decades. He, like you, has NEVER seen something quite like this. What better person to help you deal with today’s challenges than New York child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman? Go ahead, dip your toe in the water by giving Dr. Steve a call at (908) 217-8106. Don’t forget to take time to look at

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Dr. Heal Thyself.

Let’s be honest here…when I talk to you through this website and these blogs, I am talking to the adults NOT the kids! What kid is going to diagnose themselves and seek the kind of helpful communication that made me one of the most respected child psychologists in the New York/New Jersey area?

Do you…yes, YOU find yourself lecturing, scolding even shouting (who has not done that?). Some parents even medicate their children so that they can wrestle control over their child in what becomes an unnatural way. Parents who feed mood-altering medications are only exacerbating what has become a national epidemic.

Please call me and let’s discuss what is at the root of your kid’s aberrant behavior. My name is Dr. Steve Sussman, a child psychologist who helps children throughout the New York area. I have an office in Mountainside, NJ. Just call me at (908) 217-8106. My philosophy is better defined at