
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Putting your Mouth Where your Reputation is.

Many times, we hear about someone’s reputation, but we are not sure if we can fully trust that individual.  Of course, there is Yelp (people’s opinions, be they paid for or not).  Naturally, there is word-of-mouth, but you enter at your own risk when you rely solely on that.  Choosing the right child psychologist can be very difficult.

We invite you to visit the following link…  Go ahead, click on that.  Contained within this marvelous site are various videos dedicated to opposition defiant disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, adolescent depression screening, and much, much more.

If you watch all of the videos on this website extension, it’s like getting a mini-education on something that may be troubling your kid(s).  The old song is…show your work.  New Jersey child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman wants you to be as educated as possible before you visit him at his office located at 615 Sherwood Pkwy. in Mountainside NJ.  Call (908) 217-8106.

2019 Morristown Food Truck Fest, Aug 24th

(Click the link above for more information)

"Be a part of the 2nd Annual Morristown Food Truck Fest! The event will feature lots of food trucks and vendors, as well as games and activities for children. Whether you want to grab a quick snack or bring the whole family and stay for the live music, this event has something for everyone!"


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Socializing in the Real World.

Let’s face it we humans are social animals.  Much of our behavior is affected by what other people are doing.  You are more likely to exercise if you hang out with other people who exercise.  You are more likely to smoke if you spend time with other people who light up.  You are more likely to succeed in school if your friends are also doing well in school.

Have you ever heard of the term “goal contagion”?  Quite simply, it is the automatic adoption of one or more goals when one observes and experiences another’s goal-focused behavior.  Goal contagion is more likely to occur in our kids when they are in groups with other children.  It makes sense…doesn’t it?

Child psychology is NOT an exact science.  It is ever evolving.  One thing that I have found to be true through the decades is that group therapy is a plus for each individual in the room.  My name is Dr. Steven Sussman a New Jersey child psychologist located in Mountainside.  Let’s talk about what’s best for your child.  Please call me at (908) 217-8106.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

That’s It…I Give Up!

No, that is not the answer (rarely is it the correct decision in life).  This is especially true with your kids.  In a quiet moment have you ever asked yourself why is it so easy to go from “zero to 60” when our kids make us angry?  There may be many contributing factors, not the least of which may well be because you allow it to happen.

In a real sense when we reach the point where we react emotionally we’re allowing the behavior of our kids to determine how we’ll behave rather than the other way around!  This is often because we believe that we need to get our kids under control, rather than taking a moment to stop and think and say, “Wait, let me get myself under control first before I respond.”

The primary reason I write this is to make those of you who are the “adults in the room” are just that.  The question is…are you able to cut back on the yelling, the scolding, and the over-medicating that leads to a stalemate?  Let’s talk about this.  My name is Dr. Steven Sussman a child psychologist located in Mountainside NJ.  Please call me at (908) 217-8106.