
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Reacting to Your Child’s Actions.

Now that we are back to school it is important to see how the children in your life are reacting to their new surroundings. Every school year offers its unique set of challenges. If you let aberrant behavior go unchecked, it could be a huge mistake. New York/New Jersey child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman could really help at a time like this.

Some things that Dr. Steve tells us to look for are -

1. A new-found “boldness” that you’ve never seen before.

2. Acting up at home because they can get by with it.

3. A change in their stress level.

Ask about their “new” friends this school year. If they are evasive, it may be time to call Dr. Steven Sussman at his Mountainside, NJ office at (908) 217-8106. Let’s talk about it together, then see about the proper course of action. Dr. Sussman may determine a number of different things in getting properly prepared for the new school year.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

What is ODD?

As the 2023-24 school year approaches, you should know if your child in the New York/New Jersey area suffers from something called ODD. Let’s give it a description. ODD is Oppositional Defiant Disorder. It is important to identify it now - not when they are in class. Child psychologist, Dr. Steven Sussman, is trained in identifying and treating ODD.

New York area schools are not superior in teaching defiant kids. They put them “in a box” instead of teaching your child according to his or her strength. When you concentrate on the positive, you get better results! Dr. Steven Sussman, of Mountainside N.J., has some methods you may not have considered.

Dr. Steven Sussman has spent his entire adult life helping kids in the tri-state area. He is as excited and committed to your child as he was 40 years ago. Just talking to Dr. Sussman on the phone should open your eyes to the possibilities. For a free phone call to his office, just call (908) 217-8106.