
Monday, May 16, 2022

One of Our Favorite Child Psychologists.

What makes Dr. Steven Sussman relatable in the 2020’s? I mean, he obtained his Doctorate in the 1970’s. Alright kids, no age jokes! One thing about New York/New Jersey child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman is that his approach to the youth of our area is as fresh as it was 40 years ago…and continues to evolve.

You see, he understands the pressure that society puts on them. They are expected to behave like their peers. Well, guess what…Dr. Sussman believes that every kid is unique. They need to trust an adult who understands what they are going through and finds new and innovative strategies to motivate them to succeed.

You won’t know Dr. Steven’s magic unless you call him at his Mountainside, NJ office. What have you got to lose? Just talk to child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman once and you should be duly impressed. His phone number is (908) 217-8106. Read more of the Sussman story by visiting

Monday, May 2, 2022

The Masks Come Off and the Excessive Talking Begins.

Did your kid’s teacher happen to notice that when their students were allowed to remove their masks that some of them may have begun talking at a rapid and louder rate? Some of that seems inevitable, and some may not. New York/New Jersey Child Psychologist may help you separate “the wheat from the chaff”.

You could start with this…excessive talking is a common symptom for kids with ADHD. They often have trouble inhibiting and controlling their responses. Or…it could be just the normal progression of their new-found freedom. There may very well be a fine line between the two.

It starts with a phone call to Dr. Steve. That’s Dr. Steven Sussman, who has practiced child psychology in the New York area for decades. No one (not even the Doc) has seen THIS before! He will begin helping you sort it out with a phone call to his Mountainside, NJ office at this number (908) 217-8106. You will see his impressive resume at