
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What About Young Children in all This?

We know as adults how we are processing quarantine and limited activity with outsiders during 2020…some of us not so well. What about the kids who were about to enter Kindergarten in your family? How are they coping with this complete change of behavior? After all, they have little or no context from which to draw.

What have we come to expect from those youngsters in our home? The truth is, not very much! Little kids behavior can be surprising and frustrating.  They often lack self-control. They like to explore the world and seek adventure. They spend a lot of time testing limits. It is not unlike the reaction of some adults who rebel against wearing masks etc.

These days are very trying and if I can help I certainly will. My name is Dr. Steven Sussman. I am a noted New York/New Jersey child psychologist that has understood and dealt with aberrant behavior in kids for decades. If I can help, please call (908) 217-8106 for a consultation, or visit my website at

Monday, November 2, 2020

How Have Adolescents Been Impacted by The Corona Pandemic?

The greatest impacts felt by adolescents probably stem from prolonged school closures. Being in the house with family members, and not getting to see friends and peers may have changed their personalities. Adolescents have different developmental needs than adults as well as being very different from their younger siblings.

Two of the most important developmental tasks of adolescence are 1.) developing social skills and 2.) building empathy combined with a sense of identity. Both of these tasks happen through interactions with their peers. Disconnection from social outlets and peers will have some implications as we return to social settings.

Are you having trouble recognizing your teen near the end of 2020? Welcome to the club! Please let New York/New Jersey adolescent psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman help you out with this task. First, take a visit to on the web and read about the man, then give Dr. Sussman a call for a virtual visit at (908) 217-8106