
Monday, September 14, 2020

All Together Again.

Man oh man, it has seemed like an eternity since we were told to social distance. The only thing that seemed to improve was the power in our voices as we yelled across the room! Now is the time to consider other important aspects of getting together in groups again…that is group therapy for our kids.

It is nothing new, of course. Our children do better in groups. It is just that simple. Peer groups in our children’s developmental psychology and social psychology have worked to our advantage for a very long time. The peer group fulfills important functions in childhood development all the way to adolescence.

I believe in group therapy now more than ever as we “rediscover” each other socially. My name is Dr. Steven Sussman. You will find my philosophy at Look me up, spend some time with me on the web, then let us talk about your kids on the phone then at my office located in Mountainside NJ. Just call (908) 217-8106.