
Monday, May 18, 2020

Hey…the Classroom Can Be Tough!

You’re darned right it can…surely you remember the peer pressure.  School requires hard work in order to be successful.  For some students, maybe your kid(s), even really hard effort may not be enough.  Some students are faced with additional challenges in the classroom due to different types of learning disabilities.

Here are some of the most common –

1.  Dyslexia…reading and comprehension become very frustrating.
2.  ADHD…affects well over six million children at some point.
3.  Dyscalculia…detrimental to understanding math.
4.  Dysgraphia…it’s related to the physical act of writing.
5.  Processing deficits…some kids have trouble making sense of sensory data.

Noted New York/New Jersey child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman understands.  He has helped children overcome learning disabilities in the area for decades.  If your child is displaying any signs of the above maladies, why not call Dr. Sussman for a sit-down at his Mountainside, NJ office.  Just call (908) 217-8106.

Friday, May 1, 2020

It’s Independence Day.

Whoa, wait a minute…it isn’t July!  We mean independence in the way your child feels about themselves.  A child who lacks independence, self-esteem and problem-solving skills and who can’t (or won’t) do age-appropriate tasks is a kid with a disadvantage when it comes to tackling the challenges of everyday life.

Here are some tips to teach your child to be more independent –

1.  Don’t always treat them like “little kids.”
2.  Give them more tasks.
3.  Prioritize…one task at a time.
4.  Give your child enough time and room to succeed.
5.  Allow enough leeway to complete different tasks.

There are more, of course that you may discuss with noted New York and New Jersey child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman.  Dr. Sussman will help you on this journey to empower your child to advance through adolescence on the way to adulthood.  Call Steven Sussman today at (908) 217-8106 and arrange a meeting at his Mountainside, NJ office.