This is one of the great missives of the human race. Here, it applies to adults who discipline
their kids when they (the adults) are angry.
It seems understandable on the surface we all get frustrated when people
(especially our own flesh and blood) ignore us and continue acting out the same
“bad” behavior.
Some adults take the easy way out and simply over medicate
their children. I have heard that kids
as young as two years old are being treated improperly with medication…TWO
YEARS OLD! It is time to stop and think
about the long-term detriment you may be causing by lashing out or
over medicating your child.
My name is Dr. Steven Sussman. I have been consulting parents on the
delicate balance of medication, discipline, and real psychological therapy for
decades. Would you like to talk more
about your particular situation? I
assure you, it is NOT unique. Let’s meet
in my Mountainside NJ office at your convenience. Call me Dr. Steven Sussman at (908)