
Monday, October 14, 2019

Don’t Be Reticent to Ask about ASD.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability.  It can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges.  Often times there is nothing about how people with ASD look that sets them apart from other people.  People with ASD may communicate, interact, even behave, and learn in ways that are different from most other people.

Children with ASD may –

1.  Not look at objects when someone points them out
2.  Not have interest in other human beings
3.  Avoid eye contact entirely and wish to be alone
4.  Be unaware when people talk to them, but react to other sounds in the process
5.  Repeat the same actions over and over

There are many other signs as well.  To look for the warning triggers that your child MIGHT have Autism Spectrum Disorder please take the time to consult with New Jersey child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman at his office located at 615 Sherwood Pkwy. in Mountainside.  Call for an appointment at (908) 217-8106.  A new understanding ASD may be a phone call away.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

ODD is NOT Odd.

No, it is not.  ODD is the acronym for Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  I have found that many children with attention deficit issues and learning disabilities will shut down academically which, obviously not only impedes them at school, but in life as well!  They are not actually defiant even though you might think so at first blush.

What happens in our school systems?  Well, they primarily employ reading and memorizing as well as lecturing which are the very weaknesses of the children who have ODD!  The goal here is to reach, to teach, to educate, and to motivate them to develop the maturity and the skills to succeed in school and in life so that they will shed this label.

There is a link on my website that explains it in greater detail.  Please visit and click on the ODD link in the lower right.  You will see a thoughtful, detailed paper called the Shutdown Learner.  I hope this helps, then give me a call for a consultation in my Mountainside, NJ office at (908) 217-8106.  My name is Dr. Steven Sussman and I look forward to our visit.

4th Annual OKTOBERFEST, Oct 12th

(Click the link above for more information)

"It is fun for the whole family!! Included in your ticket price is a selection of delicious hot German food, kids food, and a selection of beer for those over 21.  We also will have: LIVE BAND Bombed Opera, a selection of baskets for silent auction, pumpkin decorating, face painting, and donuts on a string (a kid favorite)"