
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Here Kid, Memorize this and Go Home.

Have you ever felt that way about your child’s school?  Schools in the New York City area and throughout the country are established to turn out students and send them back into the real world.  As a child psychologist I often hear about “the shutdown learner”.  A child simply shuts down rather than doing classwork or homework.

When I hear about these traits, I look for some of the signs such as –

1.  Unusual obsession with the computer
2.  Instructions are meant to be disobeyed or completely ignored
3.  Can’t understand the written material presented
4.  Plenty of negative self-talk
5.  Simply giving up academically

Please do me and, more importantly, yourself a favor.  Go to my website and visit the ODD tab.  Here, you will find an article on “shutdown disorder”.  It may be one of the most helpful reads you have ever had.  After that, please give a call at (908) 217-8106 and we will talk about it at my Mountainside NJ or Staten Island NY office.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Our Family Needs Help, but I Can’t Afford It.

Oh, how terribly painful this is.  Quality medical care, proper representation in court, and even help from a child psychologist all could fall into that category.  Sometimes, insurance is what it is all about.  Should health insurance cover the cost of family therapy?  Dr. Steven Sussman says an emphatic YES!

When you start adding up the cost of occupational therapy and all of the ancillary help that you can give your child there is only so much that a parent can do.  Dr. Sussman chooses to do what many other child psychologists won’t do.  He happily accepts most union and insurance plans that are out there today.

Why not call one of his offices and see if you can qualify for help with your kid’s much-needed therapy?  Check out his website at and see the wide array of insurances that he accepts.  Then call his number which works at either of his offices located in Mountainside, NJ or on Staten Island.  That number is (908) 217-8106.