Like it or not it’s a brand new age. Different things that we used to tolerate on
the playground have become a national epidemic in the 2nd decade of the 21st
century. Even 10 years ago almost no one
was familiar with the term “digital harassment”. It is described as repeated behavior using
today’s technology to bother, scare, or even threaten someone.
Cyberstalking is another term of which you may have
heard. How common is this? Should we pay closer attention to it, or just
brush off bullying like we used to do decades ago? Believe it or not, nearly HALF of the teens
surveyed reported to have been harassed by cyber bullying. Nearly 3 out of 4 teens have seen it in
action. But, only about 1 in 10 ever
bother to even report it!
Cyberbullying and cyberstalking are today’s reality and are
very serious. It has a strong chance of
altering your child’s personality. If
your kid has been guilty of these activities or been a victim of them it may be
time to take action. Contact New York
City area child psychotherapist Steven Sussman.
Dr. Sussman will assess your situation and make recommendations from one
of his NYC area offices. Call him for an
appointment at (908) 217 8106.