Our kids come in all shapes and sizes and their social
skills are just as diverse. Because of
these variables each child needs his or her own set of social development. The important first step is to know the
benchmarks. What are the normal skills
that should be expected from someone who is that particular age and what is
needed from that point?
Here are a couple of those benchmarks. Four and five year olds are able to show more
cooperation with other children. Six and
seven year olds will usually try to please people they care about using the terms
please and thank you. At seven and
beyond they are learning empathy and feeling the highs and lows of the people
they love.
It is certainly NOT an exact science. That is why it may be time to seek the
services of Doctor Steven Sussman.
Doctor Sussman will help improve the social skills of your youngster in
New York City and Northern New Jersey.
Dr. Sussman has offices in Union County, New Jersey and Staten Island,
New York. Make an appointment at one of
his locations today by calling (908) 217 8106.