
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Oh My!

We have come a long way in a short time.  These days trolls are lurking everywhere.  You don’t need to see a new study which shows that teenagers who spend hours a day on social media are at an increased risk of suffering from poor sleep and symptoms of depression.  Recently, the British released a study of 14 year old girls who were found to have a 50% increase in depression when they used social media at least five hours a day!

Among boys, the heaviest social media users showed a one-third increase in depression and its related symptoms.  The gender difference has been noted among psychologists as “alarming”.  The bottom line here is this…teens that reported using social media most (especially girls) almost universally have problems sleeping and suffer from some type of depression.

New York area child psychologist Dr. Steven Sussman is NOT trying to change the world…just help your kid(s) cope with the “social media bombardment”.  Growing up you could not possibly have seen this coming.  Dr. Sussman has dealt with it for years.  Please call him for an appointment at his Staten Island or Mountainside NJ office at (908) 217-8106.

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